Live Music - Paul Sexton (2/9/23)
Event Information
Event Date | 02-09-2023 8:00 pm |
Event End Date | 02-09-2023 11:00 pm |
Location | Ulster Transport Bowling Club |
Venue Information - Ulster Transport Bowling Club
UTBC are affiliated to the Northern Ireland Private Green League (NIPGL) and Irish Bowling Association (IBA) and Northern Ireland Women’s Private Greens League (NIWPGL), Irish Women's Bowling Association (IWBA)
During the bowling season we field five teams in the NIPGL a Senior Team, Junior Team, C Team and two Midweek Teams. Two teams participate in the Veterans’ League and the Ladies play in the Senior and Junior Divisions of the NIWPGL as well as their East Antrim League.
We have 100+ bowling members and a thriving associate membership. Under 16s can join the club as a free Junior Member.
We participate in various cup competitions run by the governing bodies and run our own club competitions. Open days are also held throughout the season and these are very well supported.
Throughout the club’s almost eight decades as part of the Newtownabbey community, success has been had both on the bowling green as well as in terms of members reaching esteemed levels of office in the sport’s governing body.
We are immensely proud of our heritage and keep the Club’s original values close to our hearts and put them into action every day. Providing excellent and memorable service to our members and guests is an honour that creates a great sense of satisfaction for all our staff.
We strive not just to provide entertainment but also a hub for people to meet, learn, and create memories and stories that they pass on and tell for generations to come.